Sound System DONATIONS

The following audio system has been designed for The Scenic Theatre, home of The Pittsfield Players. The individual components of this system can be grouped into subsystems, each with unique marginal benefits when purchased in a logical order.
The following subsystem sequence is intended to initially augment the theatre’s currently borrowed gear, then introduce replacements for the gear being borrowed.
At present, The Scenic owns no audio infrastructure but has been permitted to use speakers, amplifiers, and related equipment owned by Tech Crew Productions, LLC.
Event Fundraising Objective
A New Sound System!
"Share The Scenic" on March 23, 2024 was the first in a series of fundraisers targeted towards outfitting the Scenic Theatre with a complete sound system for theatrical and musical performances.
The proposed upgrades will equip the community theatre to provide its patrons with increased opportunities to engage with performing arts.
A detailed breakdown of the proposed sound system can be found by clicking the button below!



We have a fun new “contest” of sorts happening at the theatre. Cathy Williams has created 2 diorama renditions of our possible ticket booth renovation to be built after we fund our sound system. The dioramas will be available to view (in person) at the Scenic Theatre (down where the concessions used to be), and virtually on our website and on our Facebook page. You can vote on which new booth you like best by making a donation to one or the other. The Ticket booth with the most donations will be the plan we pursue. Thank Cathy for making these awesome renditions!